Friday, May 22, 2009

Happiness in One's Life by Maria Tracy Cardeno

Life is a precious gift of God. Each person is thankful for they see the beauty of the world they live in. As a person we struggle in day to day in order to survive, and part of it is to aim for riches that can satisfy our needs and popularity so that everybody will look up to. But the question is "Are you happy in your life"?

In the Hierarchy of Needs as a person the top most in the triangle is happiness, which according to some philosophers the ultimate goal of man in his life is happiness.

Let me share you some personal inputs to attain happiness plus peace of mind. Happiness cannot be achieved merely by riches and popularity even though almost everything in the world can be bought by money I still believe and rest assures that personal emotions, beatitudes and personality exempt it.

Attaining happiness for me is as simple as living ones life with contentment. Wherein in your heart your feel that satisfaction in everything you do, you pursue and you have. Living in such way that you don't step on the right of others, able to touch one's life and make a difference out of it, and serving the creator without waiting for a miracle in return.

Of course we want to have security on life, that's the reason why we earn a living. What I just want to emphasize here in the concept of happiness is doing the things that can make you contented and satisfied. In a way that it can't put harm to anyone.